OOPS!!! (Correction and Turning 50 Shades of Red)

Moment's Melodic Muse:
"Oops! I Did It Again"
Britney Spears

I have made a huge boo-boo.  This would definitely classify as a Polish, Blonde, & Female moment.  Apologies to anyone offended by me calling myself out on this, but I had to use all 3 in this instance.

So, in the last post, I was all excited because I had reached an important milestone in my bloggy life.  Or so I thought. 

The past few posts were written on my smart phone & pictures were added from my laptop. (still trying to figure out how to post pics from my phone)  So, I had counted my posts from 2009 not realizing that there was another page.  Well, imagine my surprise (& shame) when I got on my laptop & looked at the total of posts on my blog page & it says 35.

 WHAT???  Are you kidding me?  No Way!  Let me recheck that (again & again)!

Yes, it was correct.  I actually had 35 posts in 2009.  I wrote them all.  Every last one of 35.

Now, with this post, I have 10 so far.   It's been awhile since I had that many,  right?   So let's just strike that last post from memory.   Pretty please?

Oh yeah,  I'm keeping all the gifts.  (Those are all imaginary just like the previous post).

Hiding My Face In My Babushka,
